Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!

Speaking of Ding Dongs...

I'm sure we've all heard about the Hostess fiasco.
The Unions demanded more money, more benefits and refused to allow any benefit cuts in order to save the company.
Of course the Unions will tell you that it's company mismanagement of funds and in a sense, they are right.
The company kept giving into the Union's extortion.

And like every other private American company that's been extorted by the Unions in the past, the company has the choice of either outsourcing to afford to operate, of cutting services and operations back (scaling back) or of going bankrupt.
We've watched our manufacturing base move overseas or go belly up in response to Union extortion.
Some companies smart up and move to non-Union States, like Boeing.

I mention this because RTD has been gripped by Union (ATU 1001) extortion for decades.
The Union's contract is expiring in March and even though the average Coloradoan hasn't seen a wage increase and RTD has been cutting back on services in response to the slagged economy...even though we (the Taxpayer) can't afford it, the Union feels it is entitled to more of what you have.

The Union raised our dues at least twice over the last year or so, and they are going to raise it again and all that does is fatten their wallets and get obama re-elected.
They want you to pay more to the RTD employee so that they can charge us more and buy bigger homes, nicer cars and afford better lives than we have.

They feel they are entitled to what you have and that you owe them all they can extort from you.

And you can bet that they will strike, shut down services that are vitally needed here on the Front Range, just to force you to pay it.

Just another heads up.

I've heard talk after talk, rumour after rumour and we've had dozens of meetings to prepare us for "action."

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats, Don't give the Unions an inch - Let's Roll!"

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