Thursday, October 7, 2010

Speak Out - Lift Up Your Voice

I've said this before (as I do alot!) but I want to remind y'all.
If you want to see improvement - say something.

We have numbers behind each Driver.
Little clear plastic boxes on the walls behind us, grab that slip of paper.
That and the time/date is all you need to say something about that exact Driver.

If we're doing something you like, compliment us.
That reinforces good behaviour and encourages more of it.

If we're doing something you don't like, complain.
That encourages improvement.

The more complaints, the more we get rid of bad Drivers.
The more compliments, the more the good (and bad) Drivers do more good to get more compliments.

I know that you shouldn't need to do all this because we're professionals and all.
You pay your fare and expect that professionalism in return.

I agree with you totally.
I get it.

But like all humans, like all worker bees - these guys could use some motivation.
Whether it's the continued employement or the threat of losing that job, they need motiviation to improve.

So motivate your Drivers with your voice.
Say something to make a difference.

After-all, you want the most outta your Fare, right?
If they are going to raise that Fare, they'd better start providing your money's worth for a change, right?

Start picking up those phones and speaking out.

Thanks y'all.

As always, "Welcome aboard, find your seats - Let's Roll!"

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