Tuesday, September 7, 2010

At First I Was Afraid...

Phew - so I survived this long Labor Day Weekend.
More people downtown this weekend than in the State at any one time!

Seriously, the organizers estimated that at one point there were more than a million people roaming around between downtown, the CU/CSU game and Electric Avenue Music & Arts Festival in Five Points.

It's back to work and everybody is ready to get back to it.
We all need a vacation from the vacation.
Well, except those of us who worked during your vacation.

Oh, which reminds me:
The vacation is over...
Make sure you have your Sept passes and please stop trying to give me the old blue transfers.
I had a Passenger try to give me one this morning.

So yeah, just toss all those now, folks.
The jig is up - y'all are busted.
ha ha ha

Welcome back from the long weekend.
I hope everybody's rested, relaxed and sunburned.

As always, "Welcome aboard, find your seats - Let's Roll!"


Please don't forget to go to the RTD page about the proposed fare increases.
You need to find a location of a meeting in your area.
You NEED to go and tell them, "NO!" - not to raise the fares.
There is plenty of waste in the system right now:
Extra runs, little tiny one run routes that only last an hour or two.
Drivers sitting around in the Driver's room, waiting for work - sometimes not working at all.
We can take back some of the routes from the private sectors and start running the routes and maintaining the buses under RTD, cutting costs, etc.
There are plenty of cutback, cost saving changes we can implement, rather than rather your fares during a down economy.
So go to the meetings, tell them that you want them to clean up the process and to wait to raise fares until we absolutely need to.
Ok - I'm done.
Just remember, these are only my opinions and no matter what I say, RTD neither supports nor endorses my opinions.

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