Monday, September 20, 2010

If I Can't Say A Word...

A Passenger asked me the other day, why Drivers always wave to each other when we pass each other.

Then she added that another Driver had told her that it's because we need to see a friendly face, a smile and be reminded that we have friends out there.

I was like, huh?

I wave at other Drivers because it's friendly, polite and they are my co-workers.
And they are waving at me!

But friendly, friends, smiles?
I get that endlessly all day long.
My Passengers freakin rock.

While appreciated, I don't need waves and smiles from co-workers to get me through the day.
My Passengers give me all the smiles, all the friendly faces and all the love and can stand in a day.

Why do I wave at other Drivers?
Because I'm overflowing with good cheer thanks to my Passengers and I need to share or I'll explode!

Can you feel the love?

As always, "Welcome aboard, find your seats - Let's Roll!"

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