Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Letters To The Editor

I got a letter (email) last night suggesting that I was making fun of the passenger in the Mellow Yellow post.

Heck yeah I was!
What do you think, us Drivers are zombies up here in the front seat?.
No way, we get some very hilarious passengers and events.
We're human, we get to laugh our butts off too.

But I was also using him as an example of customer service.

I have been reading all over the net, all of the horror stories from passengers about their Drivers.
Personally, I believe this is because of the obsolete attitude instilled by "The Union"

We are run by a Union and it allows Drivers to completely screw up 9 times in a 12 month period, still be rewarded with raises, keep their jobs and be held in the same regard as Drivers who rocks the Customer Service world.

But never fear, I'm learning that that attitude is a dying breed.
Many many of us newer Drivers (and some of the older) are bringing onto the bus, the professionalism and service that our passengers deserve.
After all, we are not the "captains" of the bus, it's not ours.
We are simply the drivers for those on the bus.
We don't make rules, enforce them or police the bus.
We are all about safety and are tasked with doing what it takes to ensure we are all safe.

But customer service is our priority.
And good customer service is a relationship.
And like any successful relationship, communication is key.

I've said this before, I'm going to stress it again:
Contact us.
Tell us what we're doing well and what we're doing wrong.
That's how we improve.
That's also how we prune the bad apples!

Was making fun of the poor stoned passenger whose mellow was harshed, bad taste?
Maybe - but it was still incredibly funny.
And I did my best, from his feedback to accommodate him.
In good customer service form, I responded and made his mellow less harshed while he remained on The Ride!

Welcome aboard, find your seats - Let's Roll!

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